Other ADR Processes

Collage of images showing professional people engaged in various ADR processes.

In addition to mediation, other ADR processes are available.  


There are both voluntary and mandatory arbitration (see differences) programs for certain cases in the Unified Court System.

Outside the court system, an arbitrator can be engaged privately or through an organizational provider.   

 Collaborative Law

Professionals specializing in this practice may be found through many of the professional associations specializing in divorce and family ADR. There is also Collaborative Law for certain civil case types. 

 Neutral Evaluation

Some courts offer neutral evaluation to assist parties and their counsel in reaching a resolution or to decide a discrete issue or issues. Neutral evaluation may be available in Commercial, Tort and Matrimonial cases in certain judicial districts. You can check your local court’s web page to see if neutral evaluation is an option for your case.  

 Restorative Justice

Restorative justice options are offered in some Problem-Solving Courts and by the Community Dispute Resolution Centers.   

 Settlement Conferencing

Settlement conferences are commonly conducted on court cases. If you have a case in court, you may ask judicial or non-judicial court staff if this is a possibility for your case.  

 Special Master

Various trial and appellate courts appoint special masters to aid in case management. If you have a case in court, you may ask court staff if this is a possibility for your case. 

 Summary Jury Trial (SJT)

Certain trial courts offer Summary Jury Trials. If you have a case in court, you may ask judicial or non-judicial court staff if this is a possibility for your case.