Emergency Closing Information

The Ronkonkoma Courthouse, 1st and 5th District Court reopened Tuesday April 25 2023. The courthouse was closed for repairs April 14.

  • Friday April 14 Civil Arbitration mostly rescheduled to June 2
  • Monday April 17 Landlord-Tenant rescheduled to May 15
  • Tuesday April 18 Civil and Small Claims will be rescheduled
  • Wednesday April 19 Town Ordinance will be rescheduled. To conference with the Town Attorney, call 631-224-5375
  • Wednesday April 19 No-fault arbitration mostly rescheduled to May 31
  • Wednesday April 19 Night Small Claims Court will be rescheduled to May 24.
  • Thursday April 20 Landlord-Tenant calendar was called in 4th District Court.  
  • Friday April 21 Civil Arbitration is mostly rescheduled to June 9
  • Friday April 21 continued trial Tracy vs Sippel was heard in 4th District Court - Hauppauge  
  • Monday April 24 Landlord-Tenant calendar was called in 4th District Court - Hauppauge
  • Monday April 24 Small Claims Court Arbitration will be rescheduled
  • Tuesday April 25 Civil calendar will be rescheduled
  • Wednesday April 26 Town Ordinance will be rescheduled.  To conference with the Town Attorney, call 631-224-5375
  • Wednesday April 26 Civil Arbitration rescheduled mostly to June 7
  • Wednesday April 26 No-fault Arbitration will be submitted with no appearances.

Thursday April 27 Landlord-Tenant calendar will be called in the main courtroom in Ronkonkoma as usual.

When the case is rescheduled eCourts will be updated. The court clerk will send notifications by mail on civil cases (CV CC SC LT indexes). Town ordinance CR cases will be notified by mail or by voice, text, or email as requested by the defendant.


Notification of District Court Courthouse Closings

Official notification of closings are usually posted / broadcast at:

Some of the civil courthouse telephone messages will also provide details of schedule changes.

If the "Suffolk County State Courts" or the "Suffolk County Courts" are closed because of weather conditions, all 6 of the District Court Courthouses are closed.


If the Courts are CLOSED

  • litigants are advised to contact the filing attorney or check eCourts to confirm the new date a day or two after the closing. The civil clerks will notify filing attorneys or self-represented litigants of the new court date. Special proceedings (like Landlord-Tenant matters) are usually adjourned to the next week, other cases are generally given a longer adjourned date. 
  • criminal & traffic defendants: Notice of the next date will be mailed to you unless you have asked for emails, texts, or voice notification.
  • defendants who are in the custody of the Sheriff are produced the next regular court day.
  • defendants who are in the custody of any police agency awaiting arraignment are produced the next day that the court is open for arraignment.
  • town ordinance defendants: check the next court date on WebCrims. Notice of the next date will be mailed to you unless you have asked for emails, texts, or voice notification.

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