Technology Surveys

The Permanent Commission’s Technology Working Group assesses the technological needs of the New York State legal services community and assists the Commission with recommendations that enable legal services providers to begin to address the technological gap that exists in the legal services community. Every five years, the Permanent Commission surveys the New York State civil legal aid community regarding the use of technology. The data from surveys in 2013 and 2018 resulted in a number of initiatives to assist the provider community, including, the creation of a technology assistance project between pro bono IT professionals from leading law firms and civil legal aid providers to assess technology needs and provide training; and the establishment of an annual New York Statewide Civil Legal Aid Technology Conference to educate civil legal services leaders on how technology can improve the delivery of legal services and the efficiency of their operations, and to promote collaborative use of technology among providers. A 2023 survey is in progress.

Survey Information:

2023 | 2018 | 2013