2018 Technology Survey

As a five-year follow-up to the 2013 Technology Survey, in 2018, the Technology Working Group issued a 34-question online Technology Survey to approximately 90 civil legal service providers that assist low-income New Yorkers. Approximately 78 providers answered the Survey, with operating budgets ranging in size from $70,000 to $100,000,000 and working in communities throughout New York State. The 2018 Technology Survey asked questions about budget, staffing, systems, language access, online service delivery, online referral, triage and intake. The survey also asked about current technology projects, as well as challenges and aspirations.



The findings from the survey, which are detailed in the Working Group’s report, demonstrate increased use of and improvements in technology but indicate the need for further advancements, as follows:

  • Spending on technology has remained more or less unchanged in the last five years, with the exception of spending on technology staff, which saw a  slight increase, and remains below the national average;
  • Providers are beginning to embrace strategic technology planning and adopt technology policies, yet one quarter of providers still lack relevant security policies;
  • Technology training for staff continues to be a low priority, with the majority of providers providing zero to less than five hours of training; and
  • Public-facing technology is being used, mainly through websites and emerging online intake, but is primarily available only in English.

Analysis of the 2018 survey data is contained in the Technology Working Group's 2018 Report.



As a result of the survey findings, the Permanent Commission recommended in its 2018 Annual Report that additional technology surveys and evaluations be conducted on a periodic basis. The Commission recommended that the results be analyzed and disseminated to educate stakeholders and support continued improvements to the civil legal services delivery system. The Permanent Commission is conducting a 2023 technology survey of the civil legal services providers in New York State.

The Commission recommended that the New York Statewide Civil Legal Aid Technology Conference continue to be held annually to educate civil legal services leaders on how technology can improve the delivery of legal services and the efficiency of their operations, and to promote collaborative use of technology among providers. It further recommended that the Commission continue to support civil legal services providers in their efforts to identify additional funding sources and dedicated funding streams that will support technology expansion and innovation to improve the delivery of civil legal services.