Employment Guide

Statewide Job Opportunities and Career Paths

The NYS Courts are looking for employees with enthusiasm, professionalism and a strong commitment to providing quality service to the public.

Collage of Smiling Employees

Work for the New York State Courts

The NYS Courts offers a wide variety of jobs and career opportunities statewide with comprehensive benefits. Throughout New York State, court employees work in many different fields providing administrative and operational support in courtrooms and support offices in fields such as security, interpreting, reporting and legal and social services. Outside the courtroom setting, court employees provide professional support in fields such as technology, human resources, finance and management.

Explore jobs and career opportunities below:

Learn More about Jobs and Career Paths at the NYS Courts

Careers in the Courts Brochure


All available positions are posted on:   Current Job Opportunities 

Contract-based court interpreting:        Monthly Per Diem Court Interpreter Examinations 


How Do I Join the NYS Courts? Three Ways to Join the NYS Courts:

I. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMS                 

II. JOB POSTINGS                           



I. Take a Civil Service Exam 

Most employees begin their career at the New York State Courts by applying, taking and passing a competitive civil service examination.  Competitive exams are offered for positions in court security, office clerical support, court reporters and Spanish court interpreters. Examination announcements for all competitive examinations are posted the Careers website.

Current Exams : What Tests Can I Take Now?

General Exam Information :  Information on All Exams, Test Content, Study Guides and the Application and Hiring Process



Court Officer Recruitment : Information about the NYS Court Officer Examination and Selection Process

Become a Court Interpreter: Information on the Competitive Spanish Court Interpreter, Non-Competitive Court Interpreter and the monthly Per Diem Court Application and Testing Process


II. Apply for a Job - Job Postings

Non-competitive employees work in professions such as legal, information technology, human resources and social services. Hiring and promotion is based on job experience and education. Qualifications for these titles are not assessed by the competitive testing process because it is not feasible or practical to administer a competitive test. Qualifications are evaluated by an interview panel. The interview panel reviews candidates’ resumes, conducts interviews and rates candidates on job relevant criteria. Non-competitive positions are advertised on the Careers Website and may also be posted on other recruitment or professional organizations’ websites.

Current Job Openings

General Information: The Interview Process, Resume and Interviewing Tips


III. Personal Appointments

A small number of positions in the court system are filled as personal appointments. Typically, the appointments are made by judges to titles such as Law Clerk to Judge and Secretary to Judge. Employees in these positions assist individual judges with legal research and analysis and help with casework and legal correspondence. Appointments to these positions are at the discretion of the appointing authority and not posted on the NYS Court's website.