Library Policies


The library staff can provide directional, bibliographic and reference assistance. However, the staff may not select a form; explain civil or criminal procedure; interpret statutes, cases, court rules; or give assistance in preparing those documents necessary to either bring or defend an action. The staff of the library is prohibited from rendering any advice, opinion, or interpretation of the law. The user is expected to make his/her own determination as to the use of the information found. See: Information Guidelines


Circulation Policy

The Bronx Supreme Court Library is a non-lending library. However, the Judges and authorized non-judicial personnel of the Bronx Supreme Court may borrow items. All items borrowed must be properly checked out. Check out procedures require the borrower to print the borrower's name, date of loan, and office phone extension in the sign out book.


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Code of Patron Conduct

  1. Library patrons should conduct themselves at all times in a manner which does not hinder other patrons or staff members from being able to carry on their work.
  2. Quiet should be maintained in all reading areas. Patrons who need to converse should do so out of the library in the hallway.
  3. Smoking is prohibited in the library and in any part of the Bronx Courthouse.
  4. No food or beverages are allowed in the library.
  5. Cellular phones are not to be used in the library.
  6. Library patrons should conduct all reading, study and research at the tables provided.
  7. Walkways and aisles must be kept clear. They cannot be obstructed by books, large packages, or personal effects.
  8. Portable computers/typewriters equipped with quiet keyboards may be used in the library.
  9. Library patrons should reshelve their books.
  10. The library staff reshelves all library materials that have been left out and are not currently being used.
  11. Library patrons must allow library staff or other patrons access to library materials and equipment.
  12. Sleeping is prohibited in the library.
  13. Generally, children may not accompany adults who wish to consult or use law library legal reference materials or computerized databases.
  14. Posting or distributing any printed materials is prohibited
  15. Soliciting, begging for money or attempting to sell any items within the library is prohibited.
  16. Suspicious, disruptive or illegal behavior will be reported to the Court Officer.
  17. Anyone failing to observe one or more of these rules may be asked to leave.


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Computer Use

The policy for using the computers is on a first come first served basis. At the discretion of the librarian patron use of computers may be limited to half-hour segments. Patrons must see the librarian before using the computer terminals.


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Microfilm/Microfiche Machines

Please see the librarian before using the reader/printer.


Information Guidelines




1. Explain court rules and procedures

1. Suggest which of several available procedures a litigant should follow

2. Explain options available to litigants

2. Provide opinions as to which option to choose

3. Provide information about past rulings in a case

3. Predict what the court will do

4. Provide cites (or copies) of statutes, court rules and ordinances

4. Provide an analysis or interpretation of statutes or ordinances based om the specific facts of a litigant's case

5. Explain public court operations and roles of court personnel

5. Provide information derived from the decision-making process

6. Explain what records are kept by the court and can be made available to the public

6. Provide access to court records that are sealed or made confidential by law

7. Provide public case information

7. Provide confidential case information

8. Explain how and where to file a complaint concerning a judge, court employee or private attorney

8. Provide opinions about the conduct of a judge, court employee or private attorney

9. Provide general referrals to other offices or persons

9. Provide referrals to other offices or persons based upon personal preference

10. Provide forms and instructions, and, in appropriate circumstances, enter the information _provided by litigants on the form

10. Provide or suggest the information that should be entered on the forms

















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