The Law Library serves as the primary legal reference resource for judicial personnel and support staff of the Bronx Supreme Court. The library is officially designated by New York State Judiciary Law, Article 21, § 813, as the Public Access Law Library for the County of the Bronx, serving court and local government agency personnel, members of the bar, pro se litigants, and the general public at large.
Our goal is to provide our clients with high quality legal information and reference support services, locally reflecting the overall mission statement outlined in the NY State Unified Court System Law Library Operations Handbook:
The primary mission of the law libraries of the Unified Court System is to contribute professional library services to the process of providing just and timely resolution of all matters before the courts.
In order to fulfill this mission, timely, adequate, accessible, and effective resources are provided in an efficient, cost-effective manner. Library staff manage, acquire, evaluate, store, distribute and clarify information deemed appropriate to the mission of the library.
The library’s basic program components include: reference services, collection resources, technical services & cataloging, administration and computer assisted legal research (CALR). The library’s core function is the timely delivery of reference services. Central to that activity is the development and maintenance of a collection of resources, both print and non-print, to meet our in-house legal support and public service mission, and to adhere to nationally recognized court law library standards for a major county legal reference facility.
The public now has access to Westlaw, Lexis, LoisLaw, and other electronic resources within the library.