The Law Library serves as the primary legal reference resource for The Bronx Supreme Court Library was established by an Act of the New York State Legislature, Chapter 1006 of the Laws of 1981, on August 7, 1981. (Section 817(a) of the Judiciary Law (c.1006 of 1981). This legislation created the new twelfth judicial district in New York State by removing Bronx County from the existing first judicial district, which previously consisted of both Bronx and New York Counties.
The previous combined first judicial district contained the largest population of any judicial district in the state as reflected in the 1980 federal census. Even with the separation of the Bronx from New York County each serve very substantial populations - 1.4 million in the Bronx and 1.6 million in New York from 1990 federal census. The library had previously functioned under the first judicial district. The library's current enabling act is set forth in sections 813 and 814 of the Judiciary Law (c.662 of 1993).
The library has developed a comprehensive collection of print and non-print materials. The collection primarily consists of New York materials for the Supreme, Family, Civil, Criminal and Surrogate Courts, and New York & New Jersey Statutes. A comprehensive federal materials section includes textbooks, treatises, statutes, treaties, regulations and case law.