1. Where is the Law Library located and what are the hours?
Bronx Supreme Court
851 Grand Concourse, RM 214
Bronx, NY 10451
Phone: 718-618-3710
Fax: 212-952-7275
Open to the public 9:30 - 1:00
Bronx Hall of Justice
265 East 161 Street
Bronx, NY 10461
Phone: 718-618-3192
Fax: 718-618- 3589
2. What materials are in the Law Library collection?
The Law Library's holdings number approximately 54,000 items, in a variety of formats including books, journals, microforms, and CD-ROMs. The Law Library collection includes statutes, codes, administrative materials and case law for federal and New York State jurisdictions. The collection also includes legal periodicals, loose-leaf services, digests, treatises, legal reference materials and other sources and finding aids. Records and Briefs from New York State Appellate Courts are available on microfiche. The Law Library provides on -line access to Lexis.
3. Can I borrow materials from the Law Library?
No, the Law Library does not loan materials to individuals, they are only available on site. Photocopier is available in the Law Library. Copies cost 25 cents a page. The machine accepts nickels, dimes, quarters and one dollar bills.
4. Are court decisions available?
Yes, See: New York Reporters ( New York Reports, Appellate Division Reports NY Miscellaneous Reports and the New York Supplement) and Lexis on-line.
5. Where are the New York City rent control laws?
See: McKinney’s Consolidated Laws of New York. Book 65 Unconsolidated Laws.
6. Where do I find information about divorce and child support?
See: New York Jurisprudence, a legal encyclopedia, treatises on various subjects, and the laws of New York.
See: Office of the Self Represented, room 121, for Divorce packet and other forms.
7. What is NYCRR?
NYCRR stands for New York Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations of the State of New York. A multi volume set which the library maintains.
8. Are online services available for the public?
Yes, Public access computers are available in the law library with access to Lexis.com.
9. Is the Internet available?
No, the library provides access to Lexis.
10. Does the Law Library provide computer facilities for word processing and other applications?
Yes, the public access computers have WordPerfect software and Lexis. Laptop computers are allowed but wi fi connection is not available.
11. Is a copier available?
Yes, A coin-operated photocopier is available. Copies cost 25 cents a page. The machine accepts nickels, dimes, quarters and one dollar bills.