Drug Court Program Requirements

Stabilization | Phase I | Phase II | Phase III | Sanctions/Responses | Incentives/Rewards

Each participant in the Binghamton Adult Drug Treatment Court is given a list of the program requirements upon screening with the Drug Court Coordinator. Participants understand what is expected from them from the beginning of Drug Court to the end.

The goal of the Binghamton Adult Drug Treatment Court is to assist alcohol and drug addicted defendants and their families in breaking the cycle of addiction and criminal activity. The program is one to two years in length. Eligible defendants considering the program must complete the Stabilization phase before a decision is made on program entry, as follows:



Stabilization: The focus of this 4-6 week period will be to evaluate the defendants receptiveness to treatment and the program. Defendants must:

  • Complete an intake interview with the Drug Treatment Court Coordinator
  • Complete a substance abuse evaluation
  • Submit to random drug screenings and alcohol breath tests
  • Attend weekly Drug Treatment Court sessions
  • Permit home visits to be completed by a Probation Officer
  • Be subject to a 10 p.m. curfew
  • Attend self-help meetings as directed
  • Attend a Drug Court Orientation session
  • Complete applications public funding needs (TA/Medicaid Program Requirements)

Once the substance abuse evaluation is completed and treatment recommendations made, the defendant and the Drug Treatment Court Team will decide if the program participation is appropriate. If so, a resolution of pending cases must be negotiated, a guilty plea entered (or an admission made to a probation violation), and a contract signed. Sentencing will be adjourned until the program is completed and/or participation terminated. The Drug Court Program consists of three phases, each lasting a minimum of 12-24 weeks as follows:


Phase I

Phase I - Early Recovery: The focus of this phase is to get the participant in treatment and support their efforts to stay clean and sober. Participants will:

  • Permit random unannounced home visits by Law Enforcement
  • Appear in Drug Treatment Court weekly
  • Participate in recommended alcohol/drug treatment
  • Be subject to random drug/alcohol screening tests up to 3 times per week
  • Provide verified attendance at a minimum of three self-help meetings per week as specified
  • Complete an educational/employment assessment
  • Have a complete physical including dental exams
  • Be subject to a 10 p.m. curfew
  • Complete a mental health screening and attend all recommended follow-up or treatment appointments.
  • Attend life skills, health, employment, and education programs as directed

During Phase I, participants are asked to fully participate in the Drug Court program. The goal of this phase is to have participants become drug and alcohol free and to begin to develop the skills necessary to maintain a drug and alcohol free life. To advance to Phase II, participants must have 90 days of clean urine screens, have at least four satisfactory home visits, and have met all other Phase I requirements.


Phase II

Phase II - Decision Making: The goals of this phase includes showing a commitment to living without alcohol or other drugs and getting involved in an educational/employment program (where appropriate as determined through the original assessment). Participants will:

  • Permit random unannounced home visits by Law Enforcement
  • Report to Drug Treatment Court every other week or as directed by the Drug Treatment Court Team
  • Attend group and individual counseling sessions
  • Be subject to random drug/alcohol screenings, up to 3 times per week
  • Provide verified attendance at a minimum of three self-help group meetings per week
  • Start educational classes or job skill training as directed
  • Attend life skills, health, employment, and education programs as directed
  • Follow up with any recommended physical or dental treatment
  • Complete a 60 hour community service project

To advance to Phase III, participants must have a minimum of 180 consecutive days clean and be involved in their individual educational/employment plan.


Phase III

Phase III - Community Transition: This phase will focus on relapse prevention and maintaining a clean and sober life. Emphasis will be on educational/vocational training as directed in Phase II and family issues as needed. Participants will:

  • Permit random unannounced home visits by Law Enforcement
  • Report to Drug Treatment Court every 3 weeks
  • Attend group and individual counseling as recommended
  • Be subject to random drug screening, up to 2 times per week
  • Provide verified attendance at a minimum of three self-help group meetings per week
  • Actively participate in their education/employment plan as directed
  • Attend life skills, health, employment, and education programs as directed
  • Plan and complete a community service project as directed
  • Participate in victim/offender mediation as directed

Graduation: Successful participants will complete Drug Court after finishing Phase III, remaining drug and alcohol free for 12 continuous months, and finishing treatment (including satisfying outstanding financial obligations). In addition he/she must have obtained meaningful employment or be engaged in a course of study or training to achieve that goal. Prior to commencement, all potential graduates will be required to fill out a graduation application and attend a graduation review panel. Participants must also resolve all pending cases and pay all outstanding fines, surcharges, and restitution prior to commencement. The presiding judge will have final say regarding satisfaction of program requirements and participants readiness to graduate.

Participants will be encouraged to join and participate in an alumni program for Drug Court as part of their aftercare.



Noncompliance with the program may result in one of a series of graduated sanctions being imposed. Sanctions may include but not be limited to writing a paper, moving back a phase, losing pass privileges, community service, or graduated jail sanctions. Behaviors considered to be non compliant include unexcused absences (from Drug Treatment Court or any program appointment), positive urine screens, providing a fraudulent or altered urine sample, disruptive or disrespectful behavior, failure to attend self help meetings, failure to complete a sanction, or a new arrest.



Progress in the program is recognized in a variety of ways including praise in the court room, weekly rewards in the court room, and Phase Movement Ceremonies. In addition to these rewards, Team members continually look for opportunities to recognize and support participants’ efforts to make positive changes.