Office Info
Judge Presiding
Honorable Mark H. Young
Senior Court Attorney
Sarah Loughran
Resource Coordinator
Nicole Johnson
Mission Statement
Based on the one family - one judge concept, the State's Integrated Domestic Violence Courts exist to handle all related cases pertaining to a single family where the underlying issue is domestic violence. The Court seeks to promote justice and protect the rights of all litigants while providing a comprehensive approach to case resolution, increasing offender accountability, ensuring victim safety, integrating the delivery of social services, and eliminating inconsistent and conflicting judicial orders.
A unique feature of the IDV court is the intensive judicial monitoring of the cases to ensure ongoing offender accountability. The Coordinator acts as a liaison to criminal justice agencies and local service providers to provide up-to-date reports to the Judge prior to each court appearance. For example, defendants convicted of crimes may be ordered to attend a batterer intervention program or alcohol treatment. In these types of cases, the Coordinator will work closely with the IDV Court to oversee the defendants’ compliance with these treatment programs as well as terms of probation, conditional discharges or adjournments in contemplation of dismissal.
Another important aspect of the IDV court is the presence of a Victim Advocate. The Victim Advocate, a specially trained representative from Rise, will be available in court and thereafter to provide court accompaniment, answer questions, provide emotional support, safety planning and information and referrals to meet a variety of needs. The Victim Advocate can be reached at 607-748-7453.
Have questions? Please contact the Broome County Court at 607-240-5800.
This project was supported by Grant No. 2005-WE-AX-0060 awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions and recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women