General Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

For Attorneys

I am an attorney and applied for a secure ID card. Where do I go to pick it up? 
If you applied for an ID card in the Kings County Civil Supreme Court at 360 Adams Street, you must pick it up in the Security Operations Office in Room 848B (347-296-1183). The office is right by the public elevators on the 8th floor. For more information, go to Attorney Secure Pass.

How do I reserve a room to conduct depositions?
Currently, there are no rooms in Kings County Civil Supreme Court for attorneys to conduct depositions.

I want to be able to conduct a video conference for a matter pending in Kings Civil Supreme Court. How can I do that?
To conduct a video conference for a deposition, an order from the judge presiding over your case is required.

To conduct a video conference for a trial testimony, approval must first be obtained from the trial judge.

Who do I submit my Consent to Change Attorney form to? 
In general, if you wish to file your Consent to Change Attorney with the courthouse, please submit the original copy to the Kings County Clerk's Office (360 Adams Street, Room 189).

You should also submit a copy to the Notification Unit, so the supreme court records can be updated appropriately. Please send a copy to: Kings County Supreme Court, 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201, ATTN: Notification Unit

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For Litigants

I want to start a case and do not have an attorney. Can you help me? 
Please visit our Kings Supreme Court Help Center for more information.

If you are looking for a lawyer, you may go to:

Or if you cannot afford a lawyer, you may visit:

Where can I get a marriage waiver to dispense the 24 hour waiting period to get married?
You and your spouse may obtain the form in the Ex-Parte Office located at 360 Adams Street, 2nd Floor, Room 295.

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For Attorneys and Pro-Se Litigants

How can I find out the status of my case/ find my next court date/which judge is assigned to my case?
You may find this information online by logging onto E-Courts, a free service provided by the Unified Court System. To get started, please go to: and follow the instructions.

What’s the telephone number to...
Please click on "Phone Directory" in the menu to access the telephone numbers for the judges, parts, and the back offices.

How do I obtain transcripts? 
Please contact the Court Reporter’s Office at 347-296-1381 / 1382.

Where is the law library?
The law library is located on the 3rd Floor in 360 Adams Street. For more information, you may visit the Law Library’s website.

I want to find out what the fees are for paperwork filed in the courthouse.
Please contact the Kings County Clerk's Office at 347-404-9760 for the most up-to-date filing fees. You may also visit the Kings County Clerk’s website.

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Jury Duty

Where can I get more information about jury duty for Kings County?

Please visit the Kings County Clerk's Jury Service website for more information.

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For Teachers and Students

How do I apply for judicial internships?
If you are interested in applying for judicial internships in Kings County Civil Supreme Court, you may contact the Administrative Judge's Chambers at 347-296-1200.

Please note, in addition to judicial internships, there are other programs that are offered through the Office of Court Administration.

I want to bring my class to take a tour of the courthouse.
Please visit the Kings Criminal Supreme Court’s website and click on “Court Tours.”

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How do I observe a civil trial in this courthouse?
Please contact the Administrative Judge's Chambers at 347-296-1200.

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