The purpose of bail is to ensure that the defendant appears in Court for scheduled Court appearances.
In most instances, the bail will not be returned until the case is complete.
Failure to appear for a scheduled Court date may result in forfeiture of the bail posted and the issuance of a warrant.
Bail can only be returned to the individual who posted the bail. Bail can be assigned to another person or an attorney, please contact the Court for additional information.
On certain occasions, the Judge can order the bail (if posted by the defendant) be applied to pay outstanding fines and surcharges. If this happens you will receive a copy of the Court Order and a notice directing you to pay any balance due after applying the bail.
Please note that in almost all instances, a 3% poundage fee is required to be deducted from the total bail posted with the Court.
To pick up exonerated (released) bail, you will need to appear in person and bring identification. You will also need your bail affidavit. If you have lost your affidavit, you will need to sign a document at the Court stating you have lost the affidavit.