The Differentiated Case Management (DCM) department’s objective is to ensure that cases follow the judicial guidelines as promulgated by the Comprehensive Civil Justice Program (CCJP) and set forth in New York State’s Uniform Court Rule 202.19. This is accomplished through judicial control over cases, early court intervention and continuous monitoring of each case from the filing of the Request for Judicial Intervention (RJI) through key milestones in the discovery process to disposition.
Cases are placed on different tracks (expedited, standard, or complex) based on complexity, so each case can move as expeditiously as possible toward disposition.
Discovery Process
All cases eligible under the CCJP are scheduled so a Preliminary Conference (PC) can be held within 45 days of filing an RJI. The PC Order outlines a schedule for discovery and provides a date to return for a Compliance Conference (CC) appearance, which is held approximately 90 days before the discovery deadline date.
The CC Order resolves all outstanding discovery issues and gives a Note of Issue (NOI) due date.
If, at any time prior to reassignment to the Special Trial Part (STP) a party to an action feels that Discovery Orders are not being complied with by another party, they may request a further discovery conference through the DCM Department by E Mail, fax or letter.
The procedure for requesting a status conference for City Cases: City Part Conferencing
The procedure for Non-City Cases: Discovery Part Conference Requests
Conferences will only be scheduled to address discovery issues, not the NOI due date. Stipulations to extend NOI due dates will be considered by the court.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I have an adjournment?
Adjournments will only be granted in very limited circumstances, i.e., death in the family, serious illness, attorney on trial, in which case an affidavit of engagement must be provided.
May I file a stipulation to extend the time to file the note of issue?
Stipulations to extend the time to file the note of issue will be considered by the court. They can be handed in to room 217, or e mailed to [email protected]
How do I request a status conference?
The request may be made by letter, email or fax. The content must state in some detail exactly what discovery cannot be solved between the parties and request a status conference be scheduled to resolve these issues.
The address, email and fax number are:
Bronx Supreme Court, Civil Division
DCM Department, Room 217
851 Grand Concourse
Bronx, NY 10451
Email [email protected]
Fax: 1-212-884-8955
I am filing a motion. When will I get my PC Conference?
Upon the filing of a Request for Judicial Intervention (RJI) for a discovery motion, a preliminary conference will automatically be scheduled for the same date as the motion will be heard. If the motion necessarily delays the PC, i.e., amend pleadings, change venue, dismiss, the PC will be scheduled upon the decision of the motion, if appropriate.
In differentiated case management, how are cases differentiated?
The party filing the RJI checks what they feel is the appropriate track the case will follow on the RJI itself: expedited, standard, or complex. However, the final determination will be made at the PC conference. Expedited cases have eight months in which to complete discovery, standard cases have twelve months, and complex cases have fifteen months. This allows a simple motor vehicle case to move forward to a just conclusion, rather than have to wait behind a complex medical malpractice case.