Assigned Counsel Project ("ACP") Internship Program | Volunteer Lawyers Program - Housing | Volunteer Lawyer Program - Civil | Volunteer Lawyer for the Day Program - Housing | Volunteer Lawyer for the Day Program - Civil | Guardian Ad Litem - Housing | Small Claims Arbitrator | Court Navigator Program
The Appellate Divisions of the Supreme Court have promulgated Rule 6.5 of the Rules of Professional Conduct, effective April 1, 2009, to dispense with compliance with conflict of interest requirements in limited legal services programs where the attorney has no actual knowledge at the time of commencement of the representation that the representation of the client involves a conflict of interest.
The Civil Court needs you to V O L U N T E E R ! Read about the Pro Bono Programs listed below to see which opportunities interest you most.

Assigned Counsel Project ("ACP") Internship Program
Help seniors with legal and social services needs at risk of eviction. Law students (1L, 2L, and 3L) commit to volunteering 50 hours on a semester basis or during the summer. A comprehensive training on residential landlord-tenant law, social services needs, and the ACP screening process is offered.
Contact: email [email protected] or call 646-386-5428.
Volunteer Lawyers Program - Housing
Help landlords or tenants with housing cases by providing advice. Attorneys commit to volunteering in any of the Civil Court's Help Centers throughout the city for a minimum of 20 hours over the course of 6 months. Free CLE training offered.
Contact: email [email protected] or call 646-386-5428.
Volunteer Lawyers Program - Civil Consumer Debt
Help un-represented litigants with their Consumer debt cases by providing advice. Attorneys commit to volunteering in the New York County Civil Court Help Center for a minimum of 20 hours within 6 months of training. Free CLE training.
Contact: Laurie B. Milder, Special Counsel, New York State Courts Access to Justice Program, at 646-386-5850, or email [email protected].
Volunteer Lawyer for the Day Program - Housing
Help landlords or tenants with their nonpayment cases in the courtroom by negotiating settlements. Attorneys commit to volunteering a minimum of 20 hours over the course of 6 months in a Civil Court Housing Part. Free CLE training.
Contact: email [email protected] or call 646-386-5428.
Volunteer Lawyer for the Day Program - Civil Consumer Debt
Help un-represented litigants who need help with their Consumer Debt Cases during their appearance in Civil Court. Attorneys commit to volunteering for 20 hours in Civil Court within six (6) months of training. Free CLE training.
Contact: Laurie B. Milder, Special Counsel, New York State Courts Access to Justice Program, at 646-386-5850 or email [email protected].
Guardian Ad Litem Program - Housing
Advocate on behalf of mentally or physically impaired litigants facing eviction in landlord-tenant cases. Volunteer attorneys and non-attorneys commit to taking on a minimum of 3 pro bono appointments over the course of 1 year in any of the Civil Court's Housing Parts throughout the city. Free CLE training provided.
To learn more about how to apply to become a GAL and register for the next training, please go to Prospective Guardian Ad Litem Application Process.
Contact: Denise Colon-Greenaway, Esq., LMSW, Special Counsel for Court Based Interdisciplinary Programs, at 646-386-5408.
Small Claims Arbitrator - Small Claims
Hear and decide Small Claims cases throughout New York City. Help the New York City Small Claims Court, aka the "People's Court" dispose of its docket of everyday disputes between litigants in a fair and efficient manner. Training and scheduling is coordinated in participation with the Small Claims Arbitrators Association. For additional information about serving as a Small Claims arbitrator please click the link below:
Small Claims Arbitrator - Small Claims
To connect directly with the Small Claims Arbitrators Association please clink on the link below:
Small Claims Arbitrators Association | New York City
The Court Navigator Program is a free court-sponsored program developed to provide essential non-legal services to unrepresented court users. Court Navigators are specially trained, supervised, and available to help unrepresented court users find their way around the courthouse, gather, and organize their documents, inform unrepresented court users about DIY Form Programs, assist in obtaining available court services, navigate the court's website, and more. Court Navigators are not attorneys or law students and do not cannot provide legal advice. Court Navigators are not attorneys or law students and do not provide legal advice.
To participate in the program, volunteers must complete a training orientation and commit to serving a minimum of 50 hours within 3 months of completing their training. Volunteers may include undergraduate/graduate students, retirees, community members and others approved to participate in the program.
The program is available through a partnership between the Office for Justice Initiatives and the NYC Civil Court, Kings County (Brooklyn).
For more information about the Court Navigator Program email: [email protected]