Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Lawyer for the Day Program - Consumer Debt

Prospective Volunteer Attorneys | Participating Volunteer Attorneys 

The Civil Court of the City of New York operates the Volunteer Lawyer for the Day (VLFD) Consumer Debt Program, which is designed to assist unrepresented Consumer Debtors appearing in Civil Court. The VLFD program is an unbundled legal services program where the representation begins and ends the same day.

There are no client calls, filing deadlines, motion practice or responsibilities beyond the allotted day, which is scheduled in advance at your convenience.

If you are an attorney interested in the VLFD program, learn more about how it works and how you can earn free CLE credits for your service.

If you are a participant in the program, view calendars, schedule your services or submit a volunteer service affirmation.

Next Scheduled Training.