The Court Security Operations (CSO) unit ensures that standardized security policies and procedures are applied effectively throughout the Unified Court System. Working in conjunction with the Deputy Chief Administrative Judge for Management Support and the Chief of Security, the unit provides a secure environment for the judiciary, non-judicial personnel and the public by focusing in three primary areas:
- consulting in the development of statewide security policy and implementing same;
- coordinating and overseeing the delivery of security services; and
- hiring, training and certifying security personnel.
All visitors to the Courts will be required to pass through a magnetometer for safety reasons. Anyone with a health condition that would be affected by such scans may speak with the officer on duty. Personal belongings and closed containers may also be inspected at the discretion of the officer on duty.
For emergency needs, you may telephone the Security Desk, Sheriff’s Deputy at 607-547-7555. From inside the Courthouse, the same desk may be reached by dialing 7555.