Commercial Claims
If you are a partnership, corporation, or association, your principal office must be in New York State. The maximum is $5000 and the filing fee is $25.00 for claims plus postage. Additional postage for each additional defendant., payable by certified check, money order or corporate check. If the goods or services you provided were for the defendant's personal or home use, you must send the court's 10 Day Demand Letter prior to filing your claim. After the 10 days expire, return the verification sheet with the notarized application and a certified check or money order (if mailed in) or cash (if filing in person).
All claims filed in person can be done Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 505 South State Street, Room 130, Syracuse, New York, unless you are out of Onondaga County.
Court is held on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at 1:30 p.m. before arbitrators.
To have a Judge hear the case, you must make a request, in writing, within five (5) days after receipt of the summons or plaintiff can request at time of filing.
IF YOU ARE AWARDED A JUDGMENT, IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO COLLECT THE JUDGMENT. The booklet “A Guide to Commercial Claims in the NYS City, Town and Village Courts” is available to help explain how to enforce your judgment. The Court cannot make the party pay you.