About the Commission

The Ethics in Government Act of 1987 was enacted in order to promote public confidence in government, to prevent the use of public office to further private gain, and to preserve the integrity of governmental institutions. The Act accomplishes those goals by prohibiting certain activities, requiring financial disclosure by certain State employees, and providing for public inspection of financial statements.

Pursuant to 22 NYCRR Part 40, the Ethics Commission for the New York State Unified Court System is responsible for the distribution, collection, review and maintenance of the financial disclosure statements filed by more than 5,000 state-paid judges, justices and nonjudicial officers and employees of the New York State Unified Court System. Certain candidates for public election to judicial office have been required to file financial disclosure statements, since 2006, Pursuant to 22 NYCRR Part 100.

The Ethics Commission for the Unified Court System is comprised of five members appointed by the Chief Judge, upon consultation with the Administrative Board of the Courts. Two members of the Commission must be State Judges or Justices, and at least two shall not be public officers or employees. The chair is designated by the Chief Judge. The Commissioners serve without compensation. Each Commissioner serves for a term of five years.

Commission Members

  • Hon. Valerie Brathwaite Nelson, Appellate Division, Second Department, Chair
  • Hon. Teresa D. Johnson (Ret.)
  • Hon. Carmen R. Velasquez
  • Hon. Barbara G. Zambelli (Ret.)
  • Rosemary Garland-Scott, Esq. 

Commission Staff

  • Sheila M. Sproule, Acting Executive Director
  • Pamela Varner, Court Analyst.