The Criminal Term, located at 320 Jay Street, provides support services to the various offices and court parts which handle criminal cases. Criminal Term part clerks work in up-front parts and trial parts. Most trial parts conduct both calendar calls and jury/non-jury trials, while up-front parts conduct arraignments and pre-trial work.
Appeals Bureau
Prepares judgment roles and minutes for appellate review.
Arranges for all indicted cases to go to the proper court part. This includes producing defendants and notifying attorneys and bailed defendants of appearance dates.
Handles all correspondences related to posting and returning of cash bails or bail bonds.
Prepares computer-generated court calendars for all criminal parts and enters completed calendars into computers. Violations of Probation are also handled by this office.
Correspondence Unit
Handles all written requests for court documents and information from defendants, inmates, attorneys, agencies and the public.
Domestic Violence
There are two Domestic Violence parts which handle all cases dealing with Domestic Violence. Program coordinators are located in the courtroom to provide assistance to the victims.
Drug Court
Defendants charged with either a misdemeanor or felony drug offense are sent to this part which offers participation in a drug treatment program in lieu of jail. If the treatment program is completed, the case is dismissed.
Received all payments imposed in criminal cases. Accepts bail when appropriate and keeps all corresponding records.
Grand Jury
The Grand Jury is part of the Kings Supreme Court. Although the Brooklyn District Attorney presents cases to the Grand Jury, this court oversees its general operation. LOCATED AT 360 ADAMS STREET.
Information Counter
Assists the public and attorneys with certificates of disposition, certifies records, directs people to appropriate courtrooms, and provides general information to the public.
Prepares the miscellaneous motion calendar. Checks all criminal motions filed for proper form. Assigns pro se motions on calendar and maintains motions filed and records decisions. All other orders by Supreme Court Justices are also kept here.
Records Room
Maintains all completed Supreme Court criminal files. The Warrant Clerk and the warrant files are also kept here. Warrants are issued and vacated by this office.
Collects data from all criminal parts and prepares weekly and monthly reports for the Administrative Judge, Chief Clerk, Judges and the Office of the Court Administration. Conducts periodic audit of criminal calendar.
Video Conference
Video Conferencing is available for Attorney/Client interviews. Defendants can also make electronic appearances in the courtroom.