Finding Legal Assistance

In General
Finding a Lawyer
Free Legal Consultations


Finding a Lawyer

LawHelp. To find information on free legal services programs visit LawHelp and type in your zip code or the county you live in. On the next screen select your type of legal problem. On the next screen select your subtopic. Scroll down and read the eligibility requirements for the legal services organizations listed to see if you qualify. Click on the names of the organizations to learn more and where to go for help.

Legal Referral Service. If you can afford to pay a lawyer, but do not know how to find one, you can try the Legal Referral Service of the New York City Bar Association. The Legal Referral Service will refer you to a lawyer in the New York Metropolitan area who will charge a $35.00 consultation fee for the first half-hour. If you decide to hire the lawyer after this consultation, you and the lawyer will work out the fee that you will pay. You can find a lawyer on-line or you can call (212) 626-7373 to see if there is a lawyer available in your area.

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Free Legal Consultations

There are also a couple of programs that offer free consultations regardless of your income. The lawyers in these programs will provide you with legal advice, but will not represent you in court or file papers on your behalf. You are responsible for meeting all court dates and for all filing deadlines.

Volunteer Lawyer Program. The Civil Court of the City of New York runs a Volunteer Lawyer Program located in the Civil Court’s Help Centers. The trained volunteer lawyers provide free legal and procedural information and advice. The volunteer lawyers will review your court papers, discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your individual case, help you fill out forms, and assist you in creating a plan to defend or prosecute your case. You can check on-line to see when a volunteer lawyer will be available in your area.

Monday Night Law Clinic. The New York City Bar Association located at 42 W. 44th Street in Manhattan runs a Monday Night Law Clinic. This free clinic runs from October through July. At the clinic, trained lawyers will meet with you for a half-hour consultation. There is no charge for this service. You must schedule an appointment for the Monday Night Clinic by calling 212-626-7373.