Housing Court Judges
There are 50 Housing Court Judges who are appointed for a term of 5 years and preside over the residential summary proceedings in the Housing Parts of the Civil Court in the five boroughs. The Judges are appointed by the Chief Administrative Judge of the State of New York from an annual list of qualified applicants compiled by the Advisory Council. Their assignments are rotated throughout the year. The Housing Court Judges may be given the following assignments during the year:
Resolution Part
Trial Part
Motion/Rent Deposit/Trial Part
HP Part
Military Part
The Resolution Part Judge presides over all pre-trial matters in the case and attempts to settle the matter. Motions must be decided within 30 days. When the case is ready for trial, it is sent to the Expediter in the Trial Part, where it is randomly assigned to a Judge in a Trial Part. The only exceptions are HP actions which are assigned to the HP Part and the presiding Housing Court Judge will handle all matters in the case, including trials.
You may click below to view the Housing Court Judges’ Profiles, Part Rules and Assignments:
Profiles & Part Rules | Assignments