DIY (Do-It-Yourself) Forms

Interactive programs are available for free to unrepresented litigants. The programs ask you questions about your legal situation. When you finish answering the questions you can download and print a court form and information sheets that may be helpful to you in your court case. The programs are easy to use.

Available Programs:

Nonpayment Answer Program

Small Property Owner Nonpayment Petition Program

Tenant Affidavit to Vacate a Default Judgment

Roommate Holdover Program

Tenant Affidavit to Restore Case to Calendar

Small Property Owner Licensee Holdover Petition Program


If you have a legal issue and there is nothing here that will help you, you can visit one of the Civil Court’s Help Centers and speak to a pro se attorney free of charge, or you can see if there is a court form that you can complete yourself.


Who Can Use These Programs?
You can use DIY Forms if:

  • you're a court user and you don't have a lawyer;
  • you're a legal services provider;
  • you're a pro bono lawyer. Pro bono lawyers filing a DIY Form must submit this pro bono affirmation.
  • you're from a low-bono (reduced fee) program recognized and authorized to use the DIY Form programs by the NYS Courts Access to Justice Program. You must submit this low-bono affirmation with the filing.

Commercial use is prohibited and no one may charge for using these programs. When you begin the program, you will be asked to accept these terms of use.

Computer Requirements
In order to use DIY Form programs, make sure you have the following:

  • Attached printer

Help Using DIY Forms
See Frequently Asked Questions for help using DIY Form programs.



Please Note: It is always better to talk to a lawyer, if possible.