Hon. Richard M. Healy
Hon. Arthur Williams
Hon. John L. Grow
Chief Clerk
Corinne Sergeant
Support Magistrate
- Sonali R. Suvvaru, Esq.
Location Information
Clerks Office
54 Broad Street
Lyons, NY 14489
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Phone: 315-665-8115
Fax: 315-665-8106
[email protected]
General Info
- Parties requesting Orders of Protection are referred to:
- Survivor Advocacy of the Finger Lakes, located at 132 Harrison Street, Newark, NY, Tel: 1-800-456-1172
- Family Counseling Service of the Finger Lakes, Inc., Tel: 1-800-695-0390
- All adjournment requests must be made in writing to the Family Court Clerk's office with the consent of all parties. Cases that are scheduled for hearing and/or are over Standards and Goals must also have the approval of the assigned Judge or Magistrate. Cases remain on the scheduled date until the Judge/Magistrate approves the adjournment and the Clerk's Office receives confirmation of an agreed upon date.
- Support Court adjournment requests must be received at least 48 hours prior to the court appearance to be considered.
- Attorneys are required to submit a signed Notice of Appearance.
- Survivor Advocacy of the Finger Lakes, located at
513 W. Union St, Suite 102, Newark, NY, Tel: 1- 315-331-1171, Crisis Hotline Tel: 1-800-456-1172 - Family Counseling Service of the Finger Lakes, Inc., 150 Van Buren St, Newark, NY, Tel: 1-315-331-8494, Domestic Violence Hotline Tel: 1-800-695-0390
- More information available on the 7th District Family Court page, including:
Resolve Your Case Without Going to Court
The Court partners with The Center for Dispute Settlement, which offers mediation to resolve child custody and visitation issues. Please contact CDS for assistance with your case. Information about contacting CDS can be found in their brochure. Please contact CDS for assistance with your case.