Naturalization Department

Office Info

88-11 Sutphin Blvd., Jamaica, NY 11435 Room 105

Phone: (718) 298-0601


The Queens County Clerk’s Office maintains naturalization records filed between 1795 and 1952. These records may include a Certificate of Arrival, Declaration of Intention, Oath of Allegiance, and a Petition. Due to the age and condition of these documents, only staff members are authorized to conduct record searches.

The search fee is $10 per record which includes a certificate of disposition. This covers a two-year period and an additional $5 fee is required for each added consecutive two-year period. To obtain a certified copy of these records the fee is $10.  If no record is located, we will provide a certificate of disposition indicating a negative search. A $10 fee is required for each additional copy of the results. Please submit separate payments for the certification, the search fees, and additional copies of the results. Example: A search for Jane Doe 1940-1943, requesting an additional copy of results; the payment should consist of 3 checks/money orders as follows: $10 search fee, $5.00 additional two-year search, and $10 additional copy of results.

Payment can be made via certified check or U.S. postal money order. For a request in person, you may pay via cash, credit card, certified check, or U.S. postal money order.

To request records by mail, please include:
•    Correct form of payment made payable to “Queens County Clerk”
•    The individual’s name.
•    Any additional information available to determine if we located the proper individual.
o    (Ex: Place of birth, Year of Arrival, Family)
•    Years to be searched.
•    A self-address stamped envelope.

Mail your request to:

Queens County Clerk’s Office
Att: Records Management Department
88-11 Sutphin Blvd. Room 105
Jamaica, NY 11435

For naturalization records after 1952, please contact U. S. Citizenship and Immigration Services at: or call (800) 375-5283

A database of Queens and the Bronx naturalization records may be found at . This may assist you in narrowing down what to request.

For any additional questions please contact us at:

Queens County Clerk’s Office
Records Management Department
88-11 Sutphin Blvd.
Jamaica, NY 11435
[email protected]