Census Department

Office Info

88-11 Sutphin Blvd., Room 105
Jamaica, NY 11435

Phone (718) 298-0601


To Obtain a Census Search by Mail

The County Clerk maintains Census records for the years 1892 through 1925. The office has card indexes arranged by community, alphabetically by street name. A surname index is available for Long Island City for the year of 1892.

The fee for a search and a certificate recording the result of the search, is $10.00. In your request, you will need to provide the address, election and assembly districts. All fees are payable by US postal money order, certified check or NYS attorney's check. No personal checks will be accepted. Please mail your request with a stamped self-addressed envelope to:

The Queens County Clerk's Office
88-11 Sutphin Blvd., Room 105
Jamaica, N.Y. 11435


To Obtain a Census in Person

Census ledgers and card catalog is located in the Queens County Clerk’s record room in the Supreme Court building at 88-11 Sutphin Blvd. You will need to know the address, election and assembly districts. If you desire a certificate, the fee is $10.00, payable by cash, U.S. postal money order, certified check or NYS attorney's check. No personal checks will be accepted.

New York State Library for Census Information