The Chief Administrative Judge of the Unified Court System is responsible for appointing SCAR Hearing Officers from the available applicant pool.
Appointments are made after applicants are screened and recommended by the local Administrative Judges of the various Judicial Districts.
A SCAR Hearing Officer’s continued eligibility to serve is dependent upon, among other things, the Hearing Officer’s completion of mandatory training.
Appointment as a SCAR Hearing Officer does not guarantee the assignment of SCAR petitions, as assignments are made on an as-needed basis, by each Judicial District.
SCAR Hearing Officers are bound by a code of ethics as set forth in Section 74 of the Public Officer’s Law. In addition, Hearing Officers must comply with the Rules of the Chief Administrator, Part 100, in the performance of the judicial function.
SCAR Hearing Officer applicants must meet one of the following qualifications to be considered for appointment:
1. An attorney admitted to the New York State Bar, registered with the New York State Office of Court Administration
2. A trained, certified Appraiser
3. A trained, former Assessor (current Assessors are not eligible)*
4. A licensed Real Estate Broker
5. Have possession of a residential appraisal license from the New York State Department of State
*Note: Current Assessors, Members of the Board of Assessment Review and Members of the Assessment Review Commission do not qualify for appointment.
Hearing Officers are compensated at the rate of $75 per hearing with a cap of $300 per day.
Upon completion of the screening process, successful candidates must complete the current online training in order to be considered for appointment as a SCAR Hearing Officer.
Note: Officers are required to participate in the most CURRENT training as mandated to remain in good standing and maintain the designation. Failure to participate in the most CURRENT mandated training may result in the loss of the Hearing Officer designation.
Mandatory training is provided by the Office of Court Administration every two years through the NYS Judicial Institute.
Application to Become a Hearing Officer
Special Note: Until further notice, the following counties are not accepting applications for appointment as a Small Claims Assessment Review Hearing Officer:
Dutchess, New York, Orange, Putnam, Queens, Westchester and Rockland.
Find the Application Form Here
Relevant Statutes
Real Property Tax Law §729-739
Go to RPT Real Property Tax, then Title 1-A, then 729 - 739.