St. Lawrence County


Law LibrarianNYS Supreme Court Law Library
St. Lawrence County Courthouse
48 Court Street
Canton, New York 13617

Phone: 315-379-2279

E-mail: [email protected]

Monday - Friday
9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Closed State & Federal holidays


General Info


About the Library:
The St. Lawrence Supreme Court Law Library is a public access law library located on Floor 2B, Room 281 of the St. Lawrence County Courthouse. The Law Library is handicapped accessible.

Library Collection:
The library has a collection of legal reference books covering NYS and Federal law.

Two public-access computers are available.  Online legal resources include:  Lexis Advance, Westlaw Next, Court Help ( including links to Do-It-Yourself (DIY) forms, and limited access to the Internet.  Please see the Welcome Guides for additional information.  Library users are encouraged to e-mail research results to a private e-mail account or they may print documents at $.25 per page.

A patron telephone is located next to the public-access computers.  Library users may call library staff for assistance Monday through Friday between the hours of 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.

The library staff may not select a form for you, explain civil or criminal procedure, interpret statutes, cases, or court rules, or give assistance in preparing those documents necessary to either bring or defend an action. The staff of the library is prohibited from rendering any advice, opinions, or interpretations of the law.

Circulation Policy:
Borrowing privileges are extended to registered attorneys.

Reserving Right of Inspection:
The library staff reserves the right to inspect briefcases, parcels, and packages.

Photocopies are available for $.25 per page.