The development of the New York State Parent Education and Awareness Program was overseen by the 19-member Parent Education Advisory Board, chaired by Supreme Court Justice Evelyn Frazee. The 19-member Advisory Board consisted of highly committed professionals from around the State with backgrounds in pediatric medicine, child psychiatry and psychology, family life science, social work, domestic violence awareness and prevention, and matrimonial and family law, including Family Court, Supreme Court and Appellate Division Judges.
The Advisory Board, in its October, 2003 Report, set forth proposed guidelines, standards, and requirements for parent education programs to ensure that parent education programs receiving court orders and referrals meet certain quality standards and offer participants information that is accurate, appropriate, and based on sound research. Under these guidelines, courts may make orders and referrals only to certified parent education programs.
After the launch of the Program in 2005, the numbers of providers have continued to grow such that there are now certified programs state-wide.