Form Number | Title | PDF | DOC | WPD |
| Order of Child Protective Inquiry |  |  |  |
DOH-1928 | Report of Adoption (to be completed and certified by the court if the child was born outside New York City) |  | | |
VR-47 | Notification of Order of Adoption (to be completed and certified by the court if the child was born in New York City) |  | | |
DOH-4455 | Adoption Information Registry Birth Parent Registration Form |  | | |
OCFS-2725 | NYS OCFS Request/Response for Name and/or address of Father of Child Born Out of Wedlock |  |  | |
OCFS-3937 | Request for Information - Private Adoption |  | | |
OCFS-4156 | Adoption: Family Court/Surrogate Court Request Form |  | | |
| Addendum to OCFS-4156. |  | | |
UCS-836 | Attorney’s Affirmation – Agency And Private Placement Adoptions | 
| | |
1-A | Petition For Adoption (Agency) |  | |  |
1-B | Verified Schedule (Agency) |  |  |  |
1-C | Petition for Adoption (Private Placement) |  |  |  |
1-Ca | Affirmation – Change Of Circumstance – Private Placement |  |  | |
1-D | Child's Medical History |  | |  |
1-E | Affirmation Regarding Venue |  |  | |
1-F | Determination of Family Court Judge Regarding Venue |  |  |  |
1-G | Order Regarding Venue |  |  |  |
2-A | Agreement of Adoption & Consent (Agency) |  | |  |
2-B | Agreement of Adoption (Private Placement) |  | |  |
2-C | Consent of Child Over 14 (Agency) |  | |  |
2-D | Consent of Child Over 14 (Private Placement) |  | |  |
2-E | Affirmation And Consent – Person Having Lawful Custody – Private Placement |  |  | |
2-F | Judicial Consent (Birth or Legal Parent Private Placement) |  | |  |
2-Fa | Judicial Consent Of Birth Or Legal Parent To Adoption By Step-Parent |  |  |  |
2-G | Extra-Judicial Consent (Birth or Legal Parent - Private Placement) |  |  |  |
2-Ga | Extra-Judicial Consent (Birth or Legal Parent - Private Placement Step-Parent) |  | |  |
3 | Order Directing Service of Notice |  |  |  |
4 | Notice of Proposed Adoption |  | |  |
5 | Order of Publication |  |  |  |
6 | Order of Investigation |  |  |  |
7 | Report of Investigation (Private Placement) |  |  |  |
8-A | Affirmation – Identifying Party-Agency |  |  | |
8-B | Affirmation – Identifying Party |  |  | |
9-A | Affirmation Of Financial Disclosure – Parents (Agency) |  |  | |
9-B | Affirmation Of Financial Disclosure – Parents |  |  | |
10-A | Supplemental Affirmation - Agency |  |  | |
10-B | Supplemental Affirmation - Private – Placement |  |  | |
10-C | Affirmation Regarding Status Of Appeal |  |  | |
11 | Order to Show Cause (Removal of child from Adoptive Home) |  |  |  |
12 | Order Removing Child From Adoptive Home |  |  |  |
13-A | Order Of Adoption (Agency) |  |  |  |
13-B | Order Of Adoption (Private-placement) |  |  |  |
14 | Certificate Of Adoption |  | |  |
14-A | Order Of Incorporation Of Post-adoption Contact Agreement |  |  |  |
15-A | Application for Certified Copy of Adoption Order (Before sealing of records) |  | |  |
15-B | Order for Certified Copy of Adoption Order (Before sealing of records) |  | |  |
16-A | Application for Certified Copy of Adoption Order (After sealing of records) |  | |  |
16-B | Order For Certified Copy of Adoption Order (After sealing of records) |  |  |  |
17 | Petition For Enforcement Of Post-adoption Contact Agreement (After Adoption Finalization) |  |  |  |
18 | Order Determining Petition For Enforcement Of Post-adoption Contact Agreement (After Adoption Finalization) |  |  |  |
21-A | Petition for Temporary Guardianship |  |  |  |
21-B | Order (Temporary Guardianship of the Person) |  |  |  |
21-C | Notice (Temporary Guardianship of the Person) |  | | |
21-D | Notice (Denial or Withdrawal of Application) (Removal of Child) |  | |  |
21-E | Affidavit – Change Of Circumstances Since Certification As Qualified Adoptive Parent |  |  | |
22 | Petition (Certification as a Qualified Adoptive Parent) |  | |  |
23 | Affirmation And Report -disinterested Person – Certification Proceeding |  |  | |
24 | Order (Certification as a Qualified Adoptive Parent) |  |  |  |
25 | Order (Conditional Certification as a Qualified Adoptive Parent) |  |  |  |
26 | Petition for Extention of Expired Certification |  | |  |
26-A | Affirmation And Report – Disinterested Person – Extension Of Expired Certification |  |  | |
27-A | Adoption-Petition for Access to Sealed Adoption Records |  | |  |
27-B | Adoption–Notice of Petition for Access to Sealed Adoption Records |  | |  |
27-C | Affirmation Of Service Of Petition For Access To Sealed Adoption Records |  |  | |
27-D | Adoption–Waiver of Notice of Petition for Access to Sealed Adoption Records |  | |  |
27-E | Adoption–Order on Petition for Access to Sealed Adoption Records |  |  | |
28 | Petition for Registration of Foreign Adoption Order |  |  |  |
28-A | Order of Foreign Adoption and Name Change |  |  |  |
29a | Petition for Adult Adoption |  |  |  |
29b | Consent to Adult Adoption by Adoptee |  |  |  |
30 | Petition For Access To Sealed Birth Certificate |  |  | |