Veteran Mentor’s Handbook
A handbook for veteran mentors volunteering in a veterans treatment court. The handbook offers practical guidance about the roles and responsibilities of being a mentor in veterans treatment court.
New York State Veterans’ & Servicemembers’ Laws
NYS Laws that apply to veterans, servicemembers and their families. Authored by the NYS Division of Veterans’ Affairs.
Veterans Court Legislation Chapter 91 of 2021
NYS Legislation that establishes veterans treatment court and removes certain actions to veterans treatment court.
Veterans Resources Directory for New York State Courts
Directory of resources for veterans, including government resources, outreach, legal services and others. Some of the programs and links may have changed.
An Introduction to Veteran’s Treatment Court
PowerPoint presentation that introduces veterans treatment courts.
Attorney’s Guide to Defending Veterans In Veteran’s Treatment Courts
A publication for attorneys representing veterans. Article is authored by Hon. Robert Russell who established the first veterans treatment court in the country.
The 10 Key Components of Veterans Treatment Court
The framework for the veterans treatment court model.
Resources for Veteran
PowerPoint presentation that introduces resources for veterans.
Justice-Involved Veterans Success Story
Access of Veterans Treatment Court for Justice-Involved Veterans
A PowerPoint presentation that outlines the benefits of veterans treatment courts and the legislation that authorizes the transfer of a veteran’s case to an adjoining county for the purposes of participating in a veterans treatment court.
Veterans Crisis Line
Veterans & Mental Health Hotline Information
1-800-273-8255 Press 1 for free confidential support for veterans in crisis, including their friends & families
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
1-800-273-8255. Help is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, for people in distress. Calls are free & confidential
New York State Division of Veterans Services
1-888-838-7697 or [email protected] for advocates for NY veterans & their families to ensure they receive entitled benefits