Cortland City Court

Cortland City Court Teams Meeting

Microsoft Teams Q&A

Reminder to Attorneys:
Documents and letters filed with Cortland City court, if not mailed, must be filed using the EDDS system. If you are submitting something through EDDS that is urgent and must be reviewed immediately, please contact the Court via email or phone to make that known. The EDDS system is reviewed by staff twice a day.

Please note: 
Evictions will be handled in accordance with the most recent Administrative Order which can be found at


Pay your fine/surcharge in full online: NYS UCS Payment Services.

City Hall
25 Court Street
Cortland, NY 13045
Phone: 607-218-3300
Fax: 607-218-3299
Email [email protected]

8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday
(As of January 3, 2017)


Judges' Chambers

Hon. Lawrence J. Knickerbocker
Hon. Ronald T. Walsh

Court Attorney
Margaret S. Bardsley


Chief Clerks

Chief Clerk
Diana L. Davis

Deputy Chief Clerk
Janine M. Camillo

Cortland City Hall

All visitors must pass through a
magnetometer upon entering City Hall.


If posting bail by bond during normal business hours, please report to the Court Clerk's window for bond review.

If posting bail by bond after hours, please report to Cortland City Police or the Cortland County Jail. Either agency can contact the judge that is on call. The Judge will determine a time for the bond to be reviewed.

If posting bail (other than by bond) for someone held in Cortland County Jail you must do so at the jail. If by bond the bond must be reviewed by the Judge and then taken to the jail.