- Drug Court integrates licensed, accredited, certified, Alcohol and Drug Treatment services with Justice case processing.
- Drug Court promotes a non-adversarial approach, prosecution and defense counsel promote public safety while protecting participants due process rights.
- Eligible participants are identified early and referred to the Drug Court.
- The Drug Court provides access to a continuum of AOD rehabilitative as well as vocational and educational services.
- Abstinence is monitored by frequent alcohol and other drug testing.
- A coordinated strategy governs Drug Court response to participant's compliance as itemized in standards and protocols.
- Ongoing Judicial interaction with each Drug Court participant is essential.
- Monitoring and evaluation will measure the achievement of program goals and gauge program effectiveness.
- Continuing interdisciplinary education promotes effective Drug Court planning, implementation, and operations.
- Forging formal partnerships among the Drug Court, public agencies, and community based organizations generates support for the Drug Court operations.