Pretrial Services Information

Read the section of the legislation pertaining to pretrial services agencies: CPL Section 510.45

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the data collection tool?
A: The data collection tool is an excel spreadsheet built by OCA to assist agencies in collecting all of the required data points to be compliant with section 510.45, subdivision 5-A-G of the bail law. 

Q: Where can I find the data collection tool?
A: The data collection is always available on the Office of Court Research Public Website along with an instructional video and a PDF of the instructions.

Q: What cases get entered on the data collection tool?
A: You are only required to annually report on those that are placed under the supervision of your pretrial service agency. 

Q: Why are some columns locked on the data collection tool?
A: Columns highlighted in pink are locked because they contain formulas that calculate from other columns. These columns will automatically calculate and do not require data entry.

Q: Do I enter cases that started supervision in 2020 and continued supervision in 2021 into data the collection tool?
A: All cases continuing supervision by your agency in 2021 should be entered or copied over to the new spreadsheet. It’s okay if they are counted in both years as long as they are being supervised in both years.

Q: What if I don’t know the final disposition of the case?
A: You may select “Unknown” in the dropdown selection.

Q: Who can I reach out to if I have questions about the data collection tool?
A: For questions about the report or procedures please email: [email protected]

Q: What if the option I need is not available in one of the drop downs?
A: Please fill out the data collection tool as best as possible. You may also select “Other” as an option where available. Also, see Q 13 below.

Q: Are we limiting the data collection to only cases where the court orders placement in pre-trial supervision?  What about cases where the court only orders electronic monitoring?  
A: You are only required to annually report on those that are placed under the supervision of the pretrial service agency. 

Q: How should we handle defendants who have pretrial cases in more than one jurisdiction at the same time? Do we enter both on the Data Collection Spreadsheet? 
A: Each new case that’s placed under supervision should be entered into the data collection tool. So if one individual has multiple cases that have been placed under supervision, either in the same county or different counties, each case should be counted separately.  

Q: Where do I submit the data for annual reporting to OCA?
A: At the end of the year, OCA will send a survey form to collect the aggregate data for all supervised cases to your agency’s generic mailbox. Please monitor this regularly as all communication will be sent to the generic email you provided to us.

Q: What if a person’s supervision continues into the following year and I have no “Close-Out Date” to enter into the data collection tool at the end of the previous year, how do I calculate the length of supervision?
A: If a person’s supervision continues into another year, do not enter a close out date and leave that field blank. Only enter a close out date when the case is closed.

Q: How do I make suggestions to modify the data collection tool?
A: Feel free to email: [email protected] with suggestions. However, we can’t make any changes to the current tool after distribution. We will keep them in mind for the following year.

Q: If the securing order is marked “contact w/ pretrial” should it be included in the data collection tool?
A: Yes, if the person is under your supervision and “contact” or “placement” is required, please include them in the data collection tool.

Q: If a person is placed under supervision and does not show, should they be included in the data collection tool?
A: Yes, those that have not appeared should be included in the data collection tool.   When you are filling out the close-out reason for those cases where the person didn’t show, select “never showed/no contact made” as the close-out reason. 


Additional Resources

What Doesn’t Get Measured Doesn’t Get Done: A Roadmap for Data Collection and Reporting in the Era of Bail Reform by Joanna Thomas and Abdiaziz Ahmed

Q&A: Discussing Court Date Notifications with OCA


Contact Information

For questions about the report or procedures please email: [email protected]