Volunteer Lawyer for the Day (VLFD)
Consumer Debt VLFD
Volunteer attorneys provide limited representation for unrepresented consumer debtors in Civil Court in New York, Kings, Bronx, Queens, and Richmond Counties. Volunteer attorneys represent litigants during settlement negotiations and in vacating default judgments. This program is conducted in partnership with New York County Lawyers' Association, New York Legal Assistance Group, and Access Justice Brooklyn.
Contact: [email protected]
Volunteer Lawyers Program (VLP)
Civil VLP
The Office for Justice Initiatives’ Access to Justice Program in collaboration with the City Bar Justice Center, offers free online and phone consultations to pro se litigants (individuals or parties representing themselves in court without the assistance of a lawyer) in New York City Civil Court. Volunteer attorneys provide legal advice and guidance on a variety of Civil Court matters including Small Claims, Name Change, Security Deposit Issues, Warranty of Habitability, Consumer Debt, Judgment Collection/Payment, and Service of Papers. This is an advice-only program. Volunteer attorneys do not represent the litigants in court or file papers on their behalf.
Contact: [email protected] | Virtual NYC Civil Court Volunteer Attorney Program
Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) Housing Program
The Civil Court’s GAL Program recruits, trains, and supervises a pool of GALs who are appointed by Housing Judges to advocate on behalf of litigants unable to advocate for themselves due to a mental impairment and are facing eviction in landlord-tenant cases. Attorneys and non-attorneys are eligible to participate.
Contact: [email protected]
New York City Family Court Volunteer Attorney Program (Virtual)
Volunteer attorneys provide free online and phone legal consultations on support, paternity, custody, visitation, family offense, and guardianship matters to unrepresented litigants in NYC Family Court.
Contact: [email protected] | New York City Family Court Volunteer Attorney Program
Court Navigator Program
Court Navigators are specially trained, supervised, and available to help unrepresented court users find their way around the courthouse, gather, and organize their documents, inform unpresented court users about DIY Form Programs, and assist in obtaining available court services. Court Navigators are not attorneys and cannot provide legal advice. Court Navigators are currently available in NYC Civil Court, Kings County (Brooklyn) and the Supreme and County Court of Westchester County in White Plains, NY.
Contact: [email protected]