Secure Pass IDs are available to all New York attorneys. Purchasing a Secure Pass is completely voluntary, but having one allows the holder to enter New York State courthouses without having to pass through magnetometers.
A secure pass is issued solely to expedite entrance into UCS facilities while on official business. It may not be used to enter the courthouse if you are there on a personal matter; this includes entrance to see a friend or family member who is in court on a legal matter. An attorney who uses a secure pass for entry on a personal matter is subject to forfeiting Secure Pass privileges.
All applicants must pay a $50.00 processing fee and undergo a thorough application process, including an electronic criminal history search, before being issued a Secure Pass.
Secure Pass ID cards are valid for approximately five years and must then be renewed. Card holders may apply for renewals electronically.
Hard-copy applications for Secure Pass IDs are available at most trial-level New York State courthouses. All first-time applicants must appear in person to both apply for and pick up the completed card. The processing time between application and delivery of the card is approximately 4-6 weeks.
Applying for a Secure Pass for the First Time
Please bring the following to the courthouse when applying in-person for the card:
- $50.00 Payment - by check or money order (payable to NYS Office of Court Administration).
- Attorney registration number - (look up number in the Attorney Search).
- Two (2) color passport photos - Note: photos must have white or light solid color background.
- Two (2) forms of current, government-issued photo ID are required to verify identity.
- Acceptable forms of government-issued Photo IDs are a: Driver's License, Non-Driver's ID, Learner's Permit; US Passport or Passport Card; NYC Identification Card (IDNYC) (if you reside in one of the 5 boroughs of NYC); NYS BenefitCard; NJ Attorney Bar Card; Pistol Permit; Global Entry Card/NEXUS card (travel card – TSA), U.S. Military Card, Veterans Administration card (VA); City or State University student ID (must be currently attending classes and provide schedule); Permanent Resident Card (Green Card); Naturalization Certificate; or a Professional State License (i.e. Real Estate, etc).
- Your name on the application must match the name listed on your government-issued ID and attorney registration (If name listed is different due to marriage, a copy of the marriage certificate is required).
- If you are licensed to carry a firearm, you must present your firearm permit.
Online Secure Pass Renewals
- Attorneys may renew their Secure Pass ID Cards online.
- Cost for renewal is $50.00.
- The photo on file will be used for renewals.
- Online renewals require only a single courthouse visit, to pick-up the new ID Card and verify identity.