Anti-Discrimination Panel Program

As an employee or job applicant, you can expect fair treatment and equal employment opportunity in the Unified Court System. However, if you believe you have been discriminated against in an employment-related matter, there is an informal procedure you can use an Anti-Discrimination Panel.

What is an Anti-Discrimination Panel?
An Anti-Discrimination Panel is an informal alternative complaint procedure you can use to address and resolve claims of bias, discrimination and sexual harassment related to your employment. Panel members are judges and nonjudicial employees who have received special training.

How can someone from an Anti-Discrimination Panel help me?
Panel members are available to listen and offer alternatives for resolution to biased, discriminatory or sexually harassing behaviors. They can also act as an intermediary to help you resolve the problem if you wish. They provide support, information and options.

All discussions are kept as confidential as possible. You should be aware, however, that complete confidentiality restricts your options and may make it difficult to try to resolve the problem.

Speaking with a member of the Anti-Discrimination Panel does not prevent you from filing a formal claim. Panel members can direct you to the proper channels to file a formal complaint.

How do I contact someone on an Anti-Discrimination Panel?
Your supervisor, Chief Clerk or District Executive for your Judicial District or New York City Court can provide you with the names of panel members in your jurisdiction.

You may speak with any panel member in any Judicial District or New York City Court.

You may also contact the office of Workforce Diversity at (212) 428-2540 or by E-mail to [email protected].