On-line Direct Access

The New York State Office of Court Administration (OCA) provides an on-line New York Statewide criminal history record search (CHRS) on a 24/7 basis for the general public, business entities, and corporations. The search mechanism is strictly based on an exact match of both the Name and DOB you provide (variations of Name or DOB are not reported.) The search results are public records relating to open/pending and convictions in criminal cases originating from County/Supreme, City, Town and Village courts of all 62 counties. Sealed records are not disclosed. Town & Village criminal disposition data is limited (see CHRS FAQs.)

The following information is for your consideration and may help should you decide to pursue this service:

  • The cost for a NYS OCA Criminal History Record Search request is $95.00. Payment is made at the time of the request (includes a convenience fee which is separate from the cost of the search) by using your Checking Account (ACH) or Debit/Credit Card.
  • The online Direct Access program provides two account options. The Public Account requires online payment by debit/credit card only and limits your searches to five per request. The Corporate Account requires previous use of the CHRS program and allows payment by either debit/credit card or checking account (ACH.)
  • Please read the CHRS FAQs for information relating to the accuracy and completeness of the NYS Criminal History Record Search Report.
  • The results of this process are not certified and should not be confused with a Certificate of Disposition which can only be issued by the court of original jurisdiction.
  • Direct Access allows users to check the status of their current CHRS search requests and review past requests for the last two years.
  • Background checks for companies are also part of the CHRS program.
  • CHRS results are verified, reviewed, amended, if necessary, and emailed to our customers during business days - 9 AM to 5 PM Mondays through Friday. CHRS requests reporting No Results Found are returned in Real Time. However, the entire search request is withheld for review if one or more names result in a record.
  • For more information about the online process, please view the CHRS Online User Guide.

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