Glenn Rawdon, Senior Program Counsel for Technology, Legal Services Corporation

Glenn Rawdon is Senior Program Counsel for Technology with the Legal Services Corporation. He is responsible for helping legal services programs with their technology efforts and with the administration of the Technology Initiative Grants (TIG) program. Since the program started in 2000, TIG has made over 800 grants totaling over $77 million, many of them in partnerships the courts and libraries. He is a frequent speaker on self-help strategies. He is a fellow in the College of Law Practice Management. In 2021, he was awarded the American Legal Technology Award in the individual category. Before coming to LSC in 1999, he was a managing attorney at Legal Services of Eastern Oklahoma for five years and before that, he was in private practice. He has served as co-chair of the Law Office Management section of the Oklahoma Bar Association and was a member of the Legal Technical Advisory Counsel of the ABA.