If you and your spouse have decided to file for an uncontested “no-fault” divorce on the ground (reason) that your marriage with your spouse has broken down irretrievably for at least six months, and if you and your spouse can agree on what will happen after the divorce as to your finances, property, and custody (parenting time) and support of your children, if you have any, you can use the Uncontested Joint Divorce forms as an alternative to the Uncontested Divorce Packet. This type of divorce is much easier and quicker to obtain because you do not have to prove the grounds (reasons) for the divorce, and because you will file your papers together asking the Court to approve what you agree will happen after your divorce, instead of one spouse filing for a divorce against the other.
If you want to get an uncontested divorce on any of the other grounds allowed by law other than no-fault, such as cruel and inhuman treatment, abandonment, imprisonment, adultery, conversion of a judgment or agreement of separation, you will have to use instead the Uncontested Divorce Packet and Instructions posted at Uncontested Divorce Forms | NYCOURTS.GOV
All the forms required in every Joint Divorce are contained in the Uncontested Joint Divorce Required Forms Packets. If there are children under 21, use the Uncontested Joint Divorce With Children Required Forms Packet. If there are no children or no children under 21, use the Uncontested Joint Divorce With No Children Required Forms Packet.
Additional forms may be required in a Joint Divorce depending on the circumstances. You will find them in an Appendix. If there are children under 21, use the Uncontested Joint Divorce With Children Additional Forms Appendix. If there are no children or no children under 21, use the Uncontested Joint Divorce With No Children Additional Forms Appendix.
Click on the link below to find the Joint Divorce Forms