Some tenants can get a free lawyer in their cases under the Universal Access to Legal Services Law, also called the right-to-counsel law. New York City is the first city in the country to provide universal access to lawyers for tenants in housing cases.
How Do I Qualify for a Free Lawyer?
Visit Free Lawyers for Tenants to see if you qualify.
How Can a Lawyer Help?
A lawyer can help by:
- Representing you in court
- Stopping an eviction
- Getting an order for repairs
- Figuring out if the rent you are charged is too high
- Connecting you with service agencies that can help
- Negotiating with your landlord
- Preparing and filing court papers
How Do I Find a Lawyer?
To find out if you qualify and to find free legal help through nonprofit legal services provider partners:
- Call (718) 557-1379 or (212) 962-4795 from Monday – Friday, between 9am and 5pm
- Call 311 and ask for the Tenant Helpline
- Email [email protected]. In your email, give your name, telephone number, and Housing Court case index number for your eviction case
- Contact a nonprofit law office near you that provides free legal help for tenants
- If you are already in the courthouse, ask the Clerk or Court Attorney in the courtroom about getting a free lawyer.
Where to Get More Information
For more information, go to Housing Court Answers or HRA's Office of Civil Justice.