Court Officers Memorialized: September 11, 2018

Immigration and Customs Enforcement Headquarters, Washington, D.C.

badge and firearms in display case A close-up of the display case

On September 11, 2018, items that were made available on permanent loan from the National September 11th Memorial & Museum in New York City commemorating the September 11, 2001 attacks were put on display at the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Headquarters in Washington, D.C. The items include the service weapon and shield of Captain Harry Thompson, as well as a part of the service weapon of Sergeant Thomas Jurgens. They, along with Sergeant Mitchel Wallace, were killed as they tried to save others on that day 17 years ago. A ceremony was held after which the display case was unveiled as part of the memorial located in the lobby of their headquarters.

people at ceremony The unveiling of the display case holding the court officers badge and firearms


worker closely examing materials A technician handling the badge prior to its display